How to get the most out of doctor visits
We all have frustrations with doctor visits from time to time. Very often, the visit [...]
Why chocolate is good for you
Some things seem too good to be true. The idea that chocolate is good for [...]
Is the paleo diet harmful or helpful?
Note: Dr. Shannyn is off this week. This article was written by Greg. Here is [...]
Reducing pollutants in your house
Let’s talk today about how to keep your indoor space healthy. Toxins can really add [...]
Can Music Heal You?
Some things just sound strange to the Western, modernist ear. The idea that sounds/music can [...]
Dealing with hair loss while aging
I see a number of patients who are worried about their hair; in some cases, [...]
What is the deal with cooking oils?
Oils are a key element in every kitchen, but our choices of oils can affect [...]
Why can’t I lose weight?
Make no mistake about it: diet and movement are the backbone of a weight management [...]
Pneumonia – Natural Remedies
Natural Remedies for Pneumonia Pneumonia can sneak up on you when you have a simple [...]
Sitting at a desk can kill you
Note: Dr. Shannyn is on hiatus this week. A study released this week claims that [...]