Hi Dr. Kevin, l am starting a weight loss program. In the program Buffered crystal vitamin c was recommended. Do you think it will help to tighten my skin ? If not is there any kind of supplements that can help during the process of weight loss. I really do not want to have any kind of cosmetic surgery. I am 57 years old. Thanks Karren

Hi Karren, Thank you for your question and I am thrilled to learn that you are starting a weight loss program. Vitamin C offers wonderful support to all connective tissue in the body with the skin included. Believe it or not, your skin has amazing elasticity properties and unless you have more than 100 pounds to lose it should return to its normal place after the weight loss. Vitamin C is a critical nutrient in maintaining skin elasticity so it would be a useful supplement to take during the program. Buffered C supplements are often better tolerated than regular C due to the lower acidity and some people can tolerate higher doses without an upset stomach. Good luck on your weight loss program and I hope it is a fantastic success. In health, Dr. Passero

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