Hi Dr. Passero, I was researching on the web for herbal treatments for pancreatic cancer. A close friend of mine was recently diagnosed of this deadly disease. I really need help in finding something that works, treatment not chemotherapy that would boost her immune system function and destroy the tumors in her body. The oncologist says that it is unnecessary for her to go for chemo since its spread all over and has become malignant. Please, help! I would really appreciate you reply. Thanks, Ciara


I am sorry for the delayed response to this very urgent situation.  In order for her to utilize natural supplements she will need to do it under the direct supervision of a qualified practitioner.

Some of the more promising results with natural supplements and pancreatic cancer has been with the use of high dose pancreatic enzymes.  I encourage you to seek out more information regarding this therapy and other natural and supportive therapies for her situation.  This format is not appropriate for specific recommendations based on the urgency and gravity of her situation.

My best wishes.

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