Vitamin E and Why Does Body Need Vitamin E


Vitamin E and Why Does Body Need Vitamin E?

Vitamin E is present in some foods naturally or available as a dietary supplement also. Vitamin E is the collective name for a group of eight fat-soluble compounds. These compounds are known due to their distinctive antioxidant activities that they perform in the body. Antioxidants help to eliminate and protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. Vitamin E also helps in boosting immunity. So, it is essential to include vitamin E in your diet. Some people look for smart solutions to include vitamin E in their diet. For such people, perfect E is the ideal solution.

Perfect E is not an ordinary or over the counter available vitamin E supplement because it conations extra gamma tocopherols and palm tocotrienols. Most of the over-the-counter vitamin E supplements contain only one of these compounds, either palm tocotrienols or gamma tocopherols. Numerous studies show that the consumption of the entire vitamin E family is extremely beneficial for the proper functioning of the body.

Why Does the Body Need Vitamin E?

Consumption of vitamin E is linked with countless health benefits, and few are mentioned below

  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which helps the body to eliminate free radicals from the body. These free- radicals contain unshared electrons. These Unshared electrons are highly energetic. These unshared electrons react rapidly with oxygen to form reactive oxygen species (ROS). Antioxidants like vitamin E protect cells from the damaging effects of ROS.
  • Vitamin E also helps the body in boosting immunity against germs and bacteria. According to the study, people who take Vitamin E on a regular basis are less likely to fall sick due to better immunity
  • Vitamin E also plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells. Vitamin E facilitates the formation of red blood cells.
  • Vitamin E also aids the body in to use of vitamin K properly. In the presence of vitamin, E body can easily use Vitamin K.
  • Vitamin E also helps in widening the blood vessels and prevent blood from clotting
  • Cells use vitamin E to interact with each other as It helps them carry out many important functions related to body
  • Vitamin improves vision and helps people to avoid cataracts and Age-related macular degeneration (AMD). People suffering from AMD are also given supplements with a high dose of vitamin E and zinc to improve the condition.

Effect of Vitamin E Deficiency on Body

Although developing vitamin E deficiency is rare, but some people can develop vitamin E deficiencies due to certain health conditions. In the absence of vitamin E, the aging process becomes super-fast. Some people develop vision problems in older age due to lack of vitamin E. Some people lost body movement control. Vitamin E deficiency also affects your immunity against bacteria and germs. Vitamin E deficiency also affects the vision and can cause vision-related problems.

Apparently, it seems that vitamin E is an ordinary vitamin, and its deficiency cannot affect our health. The fact is that vitamin E deficiency can affect your overall wellbeing.

The Daily Requirement of Vitamin E

15 mg per day is the daily requirement of an adult and children older than fourteen years. Children under this age need a smaller dose on a daily basis, such as four to six-year children need seven mg/day while nine to thirteen-year children need eleven mg/ day. Breastfeeding moms require more than 18mg per day due to feeding their baby.

How to Get Vitamin E?

As you all know that vitamin E plays a vital role in overall wellbeing due to antioxidant properties. It is necessary to include vitamin E in your daily routine. Now the question is how you can get vitamin E in the required amount? There are two ways to incorporate vitamin E in your diet first is natural, and the other is vitamin E supplements.

Natural Resources

You can get vitamin through your food. There are various natural resources that can help you to get vitamin E.

  • Nuts and seeds contain a large amount of vitamin E such as chia seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, etc. so the inclusion of nuts in your daily diet can give you a good amount of vitamin E
  • Whole grains such as wheat
  • Vegetable oils such as sunflower oil and olive oil also contain vitamin E
  • Leafy green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli
  • Fruits like kiwi and mango are enriched with vitamin C
  • Eggs, meat and fortified cereals

Remember one thing by consuming single food you can’t fulfill your daily requirement of vitamin E. you have to combine different foods to full fill daily need of vitamin E., for example, one ounce of sunflower seeds contains seven mg of vitamin E while a half cup of spinach encloses almost 2 mg of vitamin E.  Peanut butter also contains a good amount of vitamin E.


Supplementation is a popular and convenient way to add different vitamins in your diet. Many people find it easy to take a supplement to improve the deficiency of any vitamin. There are various Vitamin E supplements available in the market, but you should be vigilant about taking any vitamin E supplement available over the counter. Some supplements are fake or scam while some supplement doesn’t contain the required amount of vitamin E.

Many ordinary vitamin e supplements only contain one type of vitamin E while body needs whole vitamin E family.

The supplement should be from a reputable or FDA approved company. Perfect E by vitabase is a broad-spectrum vitamin E supplement. Vitabase is a renowned company and made various dietary supplements.