Top 5 Brain / Mental Clarity Products

If your mornings have been characterized by a foggy mind and a lack of mental clarity, you might be experiencing something called “brain fog”. This is a frustrating thing that affects many people, but it can be treated with just a few adjustments to your lifestyle. 

Productivity is an important part of life, but not everyone has the time to be more productive. If you feel like you need to work on your skills in this area, here are some vitabase brain and mental clarity products that can help you be more productive – no matter what your profession or lifestyle.


  1. Brain Support

This essential supplement is thought to boost circulation, long- and short-term memory, and attention. To ensure optimal quality and efficacy, it is standardized according to strict European requirements. Provides appropriate quantities of flavone glycosides and terpene lactones found in nature. Provides 30 mg of standardized ginkgo Biloba leaf extract in a 50:1 concentrate in each capsule.

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2. Alpha Lipoic Acid (250 mg)

Alpha Lipoic Acid Neutralizes free radicals. Increases vitamins efficiency in scavenging free radicals by assisting in their regeneration. Has a positive impact on the metabolism, resulting in an increase in energy.Has been utilized in Europe since the 1960s for its beneficial effects on blood sugar levels.Is essential for optimal glucose metabolism in cells. It has been shown to be good for the health of the liver. Capsules of 100 mg and 250 mg are available.

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  1. Grape Seed Extract (100 mg)

Antioxidants are present in high concentrations, which aid in the battle against free radicals and the slowing of the aging process. It has been proven to help improve cardiovascular health. Features Leuco Select is a premium grape seed extract that has a high concentration of OPCs.

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4. Ginkgo Biloba (60 mg)

If you’ve lost your mental edge or are having difficulties concentrating or remembering things, ginkgo Biloba may be able to help. Ginkgo biloba has been used medicinally since 2800 BC, according to Chinese texts. Ginkgo biloba is a plant that increases blood flow throughout the body and is used to cure a variety of ailments. Early research, albeit inconclusive, suggests that Ginkgo Biloba can improve memory in healthy people.

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5. GABA (500 mg)

GABA is a neurotransmitter found in the brain. Supports the proper functioning of cells. The pituitary gland, which produces human growth hormone, is stimulated. In the central nervous system, GABA is the principal inhibitory neurotransmitter. In this capacity, it aids in the prevention of message transfer from one cell to another. As a result, GABA may aid in the prevention of anxiety or stress-related impulses reaching the brain. GABA is a neurotransmitter that regulates how the central nervous system reacts to stressful conditions. GABA is a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep and calm.

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