10 Ways to Keep Your Skin Young and Glowing

Beautiful, youthful skin does not appear by accident; it requires effort. Your genes are simply a small part of the process, regardless of your parents’ skin color. As time passes, the indicators of ageing begin to influence your body, including your skin. There are simple techniques to slow down the ageing process and protect your skin from injury. That’s because a variety of things can harm your skin, including sun exposure, your food, and stress. Factors that you can readily control, notwithstanding your DNA. Take the first step toward younger-looking skin by following these suggestions.

1. Get some good sleep.

Insufficient sleep can prematurely age skin and, in the short term, result in dark circles and a dull complexion. In comparison to individuals who slept 5 hours or less, people who slept 7 to 9 hours a night had skin that was more hydrated and could protect and mend itself better after being exposed to ultraviolet light. Because collagen, the protein that helps your skin maintain its volume and flexibility, is created while skin cells regenerate at night, skin cells regenerate more quickly. During sleep, the skin receives more blood flow, which provides the nutrients it requires to recover from a day of exposure to the environment.

2. After showering, apply skincare products.

Moisture is perhaps one of the most important aspects of healthy skin. The timing in which you apply your products, in addition to a good skincare routine, might affect moisture retention. Start your skincare routine as soon as you get out of the shower. “After washing your face and body, apply a moisturiser to replenish and seal in moisture,” she explains. “It’s far preferable to keep excellent skin than it is to try to catch up when the skin has become dry, irritated, and painful.”

3. Revive your routine

Changing just one thing in your routine every 6 to 12 months will kick-start more noticeable tone and texture improvements. “After roughly a year of constant product application, your skin goes into maintenance mode,” says New Orleans dermatologist Mary P. Lupo, MD. Substitute an alpha hydroxy acid cream for your prescription retinoid twice a week to increase the effects and maintain it prepared for renewal. Alternatively, switch from an OTC to an Rx retinoid.

4. Reduce your stress.  

We know it’s easier said than done, but chronic stress can harm your skin and potentially cause a variety of disorders, including autoimmune pathways. All the more reason to commit to a healthy self-care practice, whatever that entails for you (although may we suggest a few aforementioned tips such as making time for face masks, facials, exercise, and beauty sleep).

5. Avoid foods that may cause irritation.

Foods that are packaged, processed, and heavy in sugar, as well as dairy, are all examples. “Excess sugar, dairy, and processed meals can trigger inflammatory processes in the skin, resulting in breakouts,” explains Samolitis. If you can only eliminate one of these no-nos, make it processed sugar, as a new study has proved the relationship between high-sugar diets and acne, as well as general inflammatory concerns from head to toe.

6. Consume high-antioxidant meals.

“The more vibrant, the better,” explains Samolitis. “Dark, leafy greens and berries are my favorites.” Fruits and vegetables are, without a doubt, the best providers of antioxidants. Blueberries, kale, spinach, and—bonus—dark chocolate are among antioxidant-rich foods to add to your diet.

7. Regular exercise

According to studies, women who exercise regularly had firmer skin than non-exercisers. The reason behind this is that exercise provides the oxygen and nutrients required for collagen formation in the skin. Make time for at least three 30-minute heart-pumping workouts every week to maintain your skin toned.

8. Vitamin C is beneficial.

Simply said, vitamin C is one of the best topical ingredients for glowing skin. It works on all skin types to balance out and brighten tone. The evidence that supports these claims is solid and extensive: Vitamin C can help to regulate pigmentation, protect against environmental aggressors, lighten skin tone, and boost collagen and elastin formation.

9. Avoid smoking.

Although obvious, it is worth repeating for a variety of reasons: Smoking has negative consequences on the entire body, including your skin. Smoking, Waldorf explains, “restricts the oxygen flow to the skin, increases the development of harmful free radicals, and increases the risk of several skin malignancies.”

10. Utilize a retinoid.

These vitamin-A derivatives have been shown in studies to increase cell turnover and collagen growth, smoothing fine lines and wrinkles and fading dark spots. The fastest results come from prescription-strength retinoids like Renova, which take roughly a month to show benefits. Apply a pea-size drop to your face every third night to help skin adjust to any redness or peeling, gradually increasing to nightly use. Milder OTC formulations (search for retinol) are gentler, however, apparent benefits can take up to three months.