Dr. James Prego Dr. James Prego Naturopathic Physician
Ask Dr. James Prego
Dr. Prego is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. He received his degree from Bastyr University, in Kenmore Washington. Bastyr University a fully accredited 4-year Naturopathic medical school and a leading institute in research of natural therapies. As an ND, Dr. Prego is trained as an expert in natural medicine and NDs are the only primary care physicians clinically trained in the use of a wide var...

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i am feeling pains in my knees
i am feeling pains in my knees due to cool now a days...

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Category: General Health
Answered by: Dr. James Prego
I have chronic constipation and have tried prescription meds and some supplements from the health food stores like,senna, aloe vera, magnesium,
One of the most important issues related to constipation that frequently gets missed is thyroid function.  Low thyroid function will cause constipation in certain individuals and to varying degrees.  Make sure you get a detailed thyroid panel that includes the TSH, Free T3 and Free T4 levels...

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Category: Digestion
Answered by: Dr. James Prego
Dummy Question On alergies
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque fringilla, lorem sed euismod porta, purus mauris eleifend nibh, at interdum risus massa non nibh. Quisque commodo dui at libero vestibulum vestibulum. Vestibulum iaculis pretium magna nec hendrerit. Pellentesque in lacus eget nisi feugiat aliquet. Mauris gravida condimentum dui vel efficitur. Phasellus eu risus quis diam efficitur dapibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis...

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Category: Allergy/Immune
Answered by: Dr. James Prego